Welcome to the KIT Energy Center
Research, education and innovation at KIT support the energy transition and transformation of the German energy system. Priorities clearly comprise the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energies, energy storage and nets, electric mobility as well as the expansion of internationally collaborative research.
With 1800 researchers and technical staff, the KIT Energy Center forms one of the biggest energy research centers in Europe. It concentrates research work conducted at KIT and notable cooperation partners, joining various subjects and disciplines as well as uniting fundamental and applied research concerning all types of energy relevant for industry, households, services and mobility.
Institutes and research groups that are part of the KIT Energy Center conduct their research in their own authority. A new quality of research and education results from bringing together topics, enhancing interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers and sharing equipment, among others from industrial research. The KIT Energy Center works out solutions energy-technological solutions and serves as a competent contact concerning questions about energy from politics, economics and society.
The work and research at KIT Energy Center can be divided into five Topics.

Der 3. Perowskit-Workshop am KIT vom 11. Oktober 2024 war mit über 90 Teilnehmenden ein riesiger Erfolg. Das reichhaltige Programm eröffnete neue Perspektiven und inspirierte Diskussionen zur Intensivierung der Zusammenarbeit in der Perowskit-Photovoltaik. Ein besonderer Dank gilt allen Referent*innen aus Industrie und Wissenschaft, die ihre wertvollen Erkenntnisse und ihr Fachwissen geteilt haben.
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On March 1 and 2, 2024, the Akademie für Politische Bildung and the Bayerische EliteAkademie hosted the conference „Mein Beitrag zur Energiewende“ in Tutzing, Bavaria. Through various workshops, the event offered its participants insight into different approaches to actively contribute to the energy revolution.
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On February 28th and 29th, 2024, we had the honor of welcoming numerous distinguished visitors from science and industry to the 'Power-to-Molecules' workshop at KIT. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) organized this workshop together with the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL).
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