Topic 5 - System & Sustainability

The increased use of new energy-consuming technologies, the impact of climate change on energy supply and demand, possible adverse effects of cyber attacks and new dependencies on raw materials must therefore be taken into account when identifying sustainable, resilient or more robust and future-proof energy systems.

Against this background, the topic “System and Sustainability” considers all energy system levels and evaluated, modelled and simulated individual technologies, including new smart control and management concepts, in an interdisciplinary environment of engineering, humanities and mathematicians, in the overall context of possible future energy systems and thus creates the necessary conditions for the identification of sustainable and optimized energy systems.

Integration of energy systems
Energy grids
Information and communication infrastructure
Buildings and districts
Traffic and transportation
Resources and the circular economy
Contact Persons
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Member of the Steering Committee; Spokesperson Topic 5 - Sustainability & System    
Member of the Steering Committee, Deputy Spokesperson Topic 5 - Sustainability & System   Oberingenieurin der Professur für Facility Management