Traffic and transportation

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Sustainable development in traffic and transportation can only be achieved through a systemic perspective, consideration of interdependencies and interactions with other infrastructure systems, the promotion of innovative drive technologies and AI-based traffic management as well as the implementation of life cycle assessments and life cycle analyses. It is important that the development and implementation of solutions in the field of traffic and transportation is based on interdisciplinary cooperation and that technological, ecological, economic and social aspects are taken into account. This can be achieved by involving social scientists, economists and experts from other relevant fields.

Development of an indicator-based life cycle management system for transportation infrastructure structures

The key requirements for transport infrastructure systems are unrestricted functionality and availability, a high level of safety and minimal disruption to local residents and the environment.

Many structures in transport infrastructure systems are very old and some have exceeded their planned service life. Due to ageing and damage mechanisms as well as changes in the intensity of use, the condition of a significant proportion of infrastructure structures has also worsened considerably in recent years.

A systematic inspection regime has revealed a considerable need for action in terms of maintenance and renewal, which makes it necessary to prioritize investments due to increasingly limited resources.

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