Conference "Mein Beitrag zur Energiewende"

  • Date: 02/03/24
  • On March 1 and 2, 2024, the Akademie für Politische Bildung and the Bayerische EliteAkademie hosted the conference „Mein Beitrag zur Energiewende“ in Tutzing, Bavaria. Through various workshops, the event offered its participants insight into different approaches to actively contribute to the energy revolution.


    One of the highlights was the half-day workshop about photovoltaic cells led by Holger Röhm, research associate at the KIT Institute of Lighting Engineering and Energy Ambassador of the KIT Energy Centre. With remarkable dedication, the workshop participants created functioning dye-sensitized solar cells from natural materials like beetroot, blackberries, grapes and hibiscus.


    We want to thank Holger Röhm for his commitment to transferring scientific know-how to society!